Tuesday, March 27, 2007

32. Funerals of friends and strangers

This morning I went to a memorial service for someone I'd never met. Her son and my son wrestled on the same team. I don't always go to the wrestling practices, tournaments and meets and neither did she. I didn't know anything about her, but as the morning progressed I learned that she was a great cook, had a wonderful sense of humor, was a loving mother and an incredible friend.

The Temple Emanuel in Kensington was filled - extra seating was set up in back. Several friends of the departed spoke about their friendship with her and her family.

It made me want to be a better friend. It made me want to foster the friendships I had and make new friends.

At 50, I'm not sure how to do that.

Anyway, at least the name of this song is appropriate for this post.

Elton John - Funeral for a Friend/Love Lies Bleeding on YouTube.


Otter said...

Funeral songs and Cats (Stevens and other wise) seem to be the theme of todays blogs.
I know what you mean about being a better friend, for me it seems to get harder as I get older to make new friends.
But I'm always encouraged by my mom who at age 80 is still making new friends and keeping the old. Some of her friendships are 67+ years old. I guess its never too late.

Deloney said...

Hit on people in grocery stores (over the fruit and veggies).

This is one of Elton's great ones.

Helen said...

That video had some great pictures too.

Friendships do seem harder to make as one gets older. On the other hand, the ones I've formed in my more "mature" years seem less transitory than the ones I made when I was a lot younger.

Sabine said...

I remember hating Funeral For a Friend/Love Lies Bleeding the first time I heard it (them). They I played it a few times and grew to love it. I haven't heard this in ages - I'm so glad you chose it.