Tuesday, May 29, 2007

95. A hat wouldn't have helped - maybe an asprin would have?

I've mentioned Jeremy before. He's the English guy I knew in the 70's. We were going to get married, but didn't.

I've not mentioned his stroke - at least not here. About 9 years ago he was taking a walk and had a stroke up on a moor. I didn't know the taking a walk on the moor part - I found that out today when I heard he'd been honored by the British Stroke Association with a Life After Stroke award in art.

That got me thinking about Ilkely Moor. Have you seen the moors of Yorkshire? They are desolate, but have an uncanny beauty - something that haunts you when you leave them. Ilkely Moor is just another moor, but there is a Yorkshire folk song written about it.

Basically it's about a guy who dated someone else's girlfriend but forgot to wear a hat on the moor while he was dating the girl. His friend warns him that if he continues to go on the moor without a hat he may get a cold, die, and be eaten by worms that in turn are eaten by ducks. The guy whose girlfriend he dated may the duck and "get his own back". Kinda gross, I know, but funny too. I have a tea-towel with the words and some cartoony drawings.

Here are the lyrics. A YouTube video of a bunch of rowdy Yorkshiremen singing the song follows.


Indigo Bunting said...

Wow. So great that he's done well. Great story, representative drunkenness in video.

Indigo Bunting said...

They seem pretty good, but del Fuegos seems more polished.

Indigo Bunting said...

OK, that last comment was supposed to go on poast 94. Oy.

Helen said...

I'm glad to hear that traditional folk songs are alive and well in Yorkshire.

Otter said...

What a fun song to sing drunk.

Bridgett said...

Ok, I just found you. I sort of put the song thing on pause until I started. I had no clue you were doing this too. Great!