Tuesday, April 24, 2007

60. We all stand together

I like Rupert Bear. I've explained my fascination on a no longer updated website. My little McDonald's Rupert goes everywhere with me these days.

Paul McCartney is also a Rupert Bear fan and he wrote and recorded We All Stand Together in Rupert's honor. I own the DVD and two singles of this song.

Watch it on YouTube (hurry - it's bound to be removed at some point)


Indigo Bunting said...

I am definitely going to read all the Rupert stuff you did soon.

Otter said...

O.K. so is this like some sort of hobby for you, taking Rupert's picture everywhere?

Anonymous said...

Not really a hobby - just a thing I did for a while - kind of like Flat Stanley or the Gnome in Amelie.