Sunday, April 8, 2007

44. Dawn Chorus

I had a great idea for a post while in Savannah. Every morning while we were at our Tybee Beach Cottage I'd wake up to lovely but loud birdsong, so I was going to get up a little earlier and record some birdsong from the beautiful wrap-around porch, post it online, link to it and write a post called Yardbirds or something like that.

As you can see, I didn't do that. No excuse except laziness.

However I will post a link to a track from an album I bought many years ago. Our friends, Neal and Marie, told us about a public radio program that began with birdsong. We never got Morning Pro Musica down here in the DC area, but I was able to buy a copy of a record album with the bird song from Morning Pro Musica.

Whenever I am awakened, especially in the spring, to the music of birdsong, I think of this radio show that I never heard.

Listen to some dawn birdsong. It might have been from Savannah, but I suspect it was from Massachusetts.


Indigo Bunting said...

I just listened to the first one, but will be playing all of them as I work. You know I love this post.

Cedar Waxwing said...

Yeah, I thought you would.

The links should all be together, but the mp3 would have been 31MB, so I broke it up into segments. Two and Three get louder, then Four gets quiet again.